Secure Portal

Lessons are conducted via a secure portal.

Learning Materials

We have a robust library of learning materials.

Dedicated Teachers

We have regular teachers dedicated to classes.

Welcome to Atovale School

Tech-Centric Learning delivered Online and On-Campus

At Atovale, we subscribe to and are wholly guided by the principles of teaching and learning where students can benefit from increased access to online and tech-based learning resources and materials. The teaching-learning environment that we provide is of a world-class standard. When children learn with us over the internet, they use our secure online learning portal that is 100% free of online threats and abuse, or distraction from games and other content that conflicts with their immediate learning needs. 

We provide online lessons for primary, secondary, and high school levels, respectively. During the teaching-learning process, our academic staff use a full-featured teaching platform designed to enable online learning replacing traditional learning in all aspects, and meaningfully. Our online classes are small, which allows teachers to give high levels of individual attention to learners. We also provide 1:1 online lessons, which maximise the level of teacher attention and input for the learner.

Our carefully selected teaching faculty team provides dedicated and selfless service for the intellectual, moral, and aesthetic development of our learners on the basis of fairness and equal opportunities. Our core specialism is in providing tech-enabled learning opportunities for young people across the world, in ways that defy limitations of geographical location that often characterise traditional learning.


We're here to mould learners into "Icons" that can lead and influence others, put service before self, and retain their humility and values as they soar high towards adulthood.
The teaching of our learners is deeply rooted in the hybrid learning model, which involves online and tech-based methods. We deliver teaching in ways that allow for learning to happen efficiently and cost-effectively during the evenings, weekends, and school holiday periods.
Atovale School is a prestigious online and on-campus institution founded in the year 2018. We are a school that prepares its students for the primary level stage and GCSE and A-Level Examinations respectively.

We harness the power of the internet to go beyond the boundaries that are imposed on learning by conventional teaching and learning models that require teachers and students to be in the same location for learning to take place.  Our online model allows our students to learn from wherever they may be in the world.
We have in place, a robust online platform that is very advanced and designed to ensure that learners receive the highest level of teaching input from the teachers. Homework and daily tasks are a core aspect of our platform, and we facilitate high levels of communication between the parent and the school. 

Why Join Us?

Unlike other schools that depend solely on traditional teaching methods to teach learners, at Atovale, we use hybrid learning methods where online access to learning resources is at the center of all learning activities.

Online Admission

The process of joining us is simplified by our online admission system, which is advanced and easy to navigate and submit.

Skilled, Safe Teachers

All teachers in our team are fully qualified in their respective subject areas, and fully vetted for child protection requirements.

Book Library & Tutorials

We offer a robust catalogue of learning resources provided alongside a stimulating online tutorial/course facility.

Meaningful Assessments

We assess learner progress continuously and in ways that are unrivalled by other online education facilities out there.

Online Security

The safety of our learners is paramount to us and so, our system is protected from unauthorised intrusion and cyber threats.

We delight in your success

The intellectual growth and development of our learners comprises the core of what we do. We do our best to facilitate this.


The following are some of the subjects that we offer:



Our school comprises:




Experienced Teachers


School Campuses




Meet the members of our faculty.